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Solanaceae Resources on the Web

  Solanaceae Systematics, Descriptions, Images, Germplasms

Experimental Garden and Genebank of the Radboud University of Nijmegen
The Experimental Garden and Genebank of the Radboud University of Nijmegen pays special attention to the family of Solanaceae and maintains the most extensive ex situ plant collection of non-tuberous Solanaceae species in the world.

European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources
The European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources (ECPGR) is a collaborative programme among most European countries aimed at ensuring the long-term conservation and facilitating the increased utilization of plant genetic resources in Europe (Solanaceae, Potato)

The official website of the USDA sponsored Solanaceae Coordinated Agricultural Project (SolCAP), which will phenotype and genotype large panels of tomato and potato accessions. Results will also be made available on SGN.
Solanum Source
The official website of the Solanum PBI project, containing species descriptions, specimen data from herbaria, nomenclatural data about names and their places of publication, and a bibliography of scientific articles about members of the family.

Nijmegen Experimental Garden and Genebank in the Netherlands
A botanical garden with one of the major collections of Solanaceae plants.
Tomato Resources
A database of EMS and Neutron mutants in the MicroTom background in Japan.
LycoTILL is an interactive and evolving database which allows search on-line of images and phenotype data of the tomato (cv /Red Setter/) mutant collection generated with EMS mutagenesis experiments. The Red Setter mutant population was developed for TILLING applications but can also be used for forward genetic studies.
Phenom Networks
The Phenom Network engine by Dani Zamir and Yaniv Semel represents knowledge of complex traits and has tomato ILs, barley and rose traits with more organisms being added soon.
Tomato SNP database
A tomato SNP website by Jose Jimenez and Julin Maloof at UC Davis

MiBASE, the Kazusa Microtom Site
EST and unigene dataset from Microtom, including GO annotations and Pathway Viewer.

The Kazusa Micro-Tom full-length cDNA Site

The Tomato Genetics Cooperative
Homepage of the Tomato Genetics Cooperative with access to publications on-line.

Tomato Genetic Resource Center (TGRC)
Large collection of Solanaceae germplasms, with a special focus on tomato.

Tomato Expression Database (TED)
Site dedicated to tomato microarrays.

California Tomato Commission
The website of the California Tomato Grower\'s Association. Contains nutritional information and recipes.

USDA ARS Bioinformatics Homepage
The website of the USDA bioinformatics unit in Geneva, NY

SolCAP project
The Solanaceae Coordinated Agriculture Project

EU-SOL Tomato Core Collection Phenotype Database
The Tomato Core Collection Phenotype Database by the EU-SOL Project funded by the 6th framework program of the European Union.

Tomato National BioResource Project
The National BioResource Project (NBRP) is a national project that aims to collect, preserve, and provide bioresources for life sciences research.
Tomatoes - gardening and heirloom varieties
A website about growing tomatoes organically
Heirloom tomato fest
Tomatoes - the lighter side
A website by tomato haters (that\'s definitely not us!)
Potato Resources
Potato Phloem Biology Project
An NSF funded project to study signaling networks that are involved in the induction of tuber formation.
A site describing diseases of potato from the University of Michigan.
Canadian Potato Genome Project
The Canadian Potato Genome Project (CPGP) was launched in 2002 to develop resources in gene discovery in potatoes, for use by Canadian researchers and their partners.
PoMaMo Database
Potato genome data from the Max-Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Cologne, Germany, which includes SNP data, maps, marker sequences, references and more.

Centro Internacional de la Papa (International Potato Center, Peru)
The International Potato Center in Lima, Peru, with potato specific databases and resources, such as the CIP Potato Genebank and the World Potato Atlas
A site for potato and biotechnology issues.

Global Initiative for Late Blight (GILB)
A collaboration for Late Blight research.

Intergenebank for Potato
A database containing accession data from different genebanks around the world, including an SSR database.

European Cultivated Potato Database
The official website of the NSF potato genome project.
Pepper Resources
KRIBB Pepper Resources
A pepper EST database at KRIBB

Embrapa Capsicum site
A site dedicated to Pepper in Brazil
Petunia Resources
A website dedicated to Petunia, with contacts, techniques, bibliography and other information.
Eggplant Resources
Eggplant Database

Solanum dulcamara Resources
The B'sweet website
Solanum dulcamara is a new research model for adaptation and ecology. See also Nicole van Ham's website
Coffee Resources
CoffeeDNA - A site for Coffee Genomics in Italy
A site about coffee and coffee genomics. Login required for certain functions.
Germplasm Resources
Tomato Genetic Resource Center (TGRC)
Large collection of Solanaceae germplasms, with a special focus on tomato.

GRIN, The National Germplasm System
Large database of germplasm, integrating many germplasm centers in the United States.
Euasterid Resources
The DragonDB database for Antirrhinum
Other Sequence Resources
The Arizona Genome Initiative (AGI)
The AGI is the place to order many of the ESTs and BAC clones for many Solanaceae species such as potato. Please note that BAC and EST orders for tomato are handled by the Boyce Thompson Institute.

Links to related websites